How to clean white sneakers at home - only proven ways

When buying white shoes, many people face one problem - frequent soiling and, at times, difficult to clean. We want sneakers to serve long enough and please the eyes with their whiteness. This article contains answers to the main questions, namely how to clean white sneakers at home of different material and how to properly care for them in general.

Initial Treatment

To remove unwanted stains, it is necessary to clean your sneakers, paying attention not only to the sole, but also to the top of the shoe.

Important: Wet shoes (especially suede sneakers) must be dried before treatment, so as not to enlarge the stain.


  • Take the laces out of sneakers hand wash with soap and water, and if necessary, add bleach.
  • The insoles should either be washed along with the laces. But if they are leather, just wipe them with a damp cloth or sponge to prevent deformation.
  • Clean the sneakers of dust and dirt with a dry brush or microfiber cloth.

When cleaning your sneakers, consider the material they are made of. Since each has its own properties and care instructions.

How to clean sneakers made of textile?

This material is very durable and moisture-resistant, respectively, washing will do.

In the washing machine can be washed only those sneakers that are quality made. By following the instructions below, the question: how to clean white cloth sneakers will be solved.


  1. Before putting the pair in the machine, you should soak them in slightly warm water for a few hours. In this way, the main dirt will come out, and the effect will be much better if you add a little bleach to the water.
  2. If there are details (chains or metal clasps), you should use a shoe net to avoid damaging the washing drum.
  3. You must use a stain remover or bleach for white sneakers, as powder is not up to the task of getting rid of stubborn dirt.
  4. Programs for washing mainly: "Delicate", "Hand" in the presence of a special shoe.
  5. In the running models of sneakers mesh can be bleached only a few times, so it is necessary to monitor the constant cleanliness. If doubts arise and the stain remover does not help, it is worth contacting a dry cleaner.

Hand-wash the sneakers should:

  • If there are doubts about the quality;
  • badly glued sole;
  • very light and shapeless models of sneakers.


  1. Soak a pair of shoes in warm water 35-40 C adding household or any detergent.
  2. After 30 minutes, change the water and pour the bleach onto the surface of sneakers.
  3. With a sponge evenly distribute the composition on sneakers, wait 5-10 minutes.
  4. Remove the dirt with a sponge moistened with water.
  5. The rest of the foam on the surface of sneakers rinse with running water.

White slippers, sneakers is better to wash with your hands, so they do not "sat" and not deformed.

How to clean a sneaker made of leather?

Most often, such material is cleaned with a damp cloth, and at the same time no efforts are required. But after a long time, this method does not work and the question arises: how to clean white leather sneakers, if soapy water and a napkin does not help.

So, textiles they can not be washed, and white leather is already becoming yellow, which causes ingrained old stains that are not subjected to simple cleaning.

In this situation, help only paint for leather and leatherette, which will cover this deficiency and give new life to your sneakers.

Suede white sneakers: how to clean?

The material always requires very careful and gentle care. Listed below are the most effective remedies to combat sneaker stains.

Water bath

You need to hold the shoes over boiling water, thereby will come out all the stuck dirt in the material. After that, wipe with a napkin, spreading the lint in the suede.

Peroxide and ammonia

  1. Dilute 5 ml of each in 200 ml of warm water;
  2. Moisten the cloth with the solution obtained and gently, without pressing, wipe off the dirt from the surface;
  3. Very deep and stubborn stains can be removed with the help of these components.


This method is suitable for ordinary laundry soap and ammonia.

Mix both ingredients in a ratio of 1:5, wipe the soiled surface of the shoes with a cloth.

Crushed substances: chalk + talc + tooth powder

Suitable for individual stains on sneakers. Should be thoroughly rubbed on the affected area, then rinse with warm water.

Water repellents

It is they will be suitable for the prevention of suede sneakers and will help to maintain an attractive appearance for a long time.

Nubuck sneakers - a material that is very similar to suede, but has small fleeces. They, too, require some rules that are necessary for the proper and effective cleaning of such material:

  • Remove the initial dust with a brush;
  • if the stain is fresh, an ordinary laptop eraser will do;
  • clean, not rubbing, and with a light pressure while drying the material;


Important: Sneakers made of suede and nubuck should not be dried on a radiator or heater.

How to clean patent leather sneakers?

Toothpaste or soap.

Apply to the stain or surface itself, wipe with a soft brush or cloth without scratching.

Wipe with a cloth followed by a polish.

If the sneakers are not heavily soiled, a damp cloth will do. And to consolidate the effect, you can use a shoe polish.

Removing stains

Depending on the material of sneakers, stain removal may or may not be complete. The degree of contamination of white shoes is particularly high. Thus, from the rain on sneakers you can see yellow stains, which can easily be removed by shampoo or liquid soap. It happens that the task is not easy and different methods come to solve it.

Professional care for shoes

Stain remover .

With its use, you can locally remove a stain on white sneakers.


It should be used for sneakers made of fabric and as to clean the white soles on sneakers. The solution is usually very concentrated, so you should dilute with water and not keep your shoes in it for more than 10 minutes.


Fresh dirt will remove this product perfectly, and the foam from it can be applied with a brush to the stain and wipe it off.

Wax sprays.

Coat leather sneakers after cleaning with this product and wipe off with a cloth.

Makeup remover

For example, moistening a cotton pad with micellar water can remove some stains on the material.

To select care for a specific type of sneaker material, you should carefully read the instructions and the intended use on the bottles and sprays.

Folk remedies for cleaning white sneakers


Its use is very simple: with careful rotating motions using a sponge, rub it into the sole or stain; then rinse with warm water.

Baking soda

It is necessary to make a mushy mixture with water and apply locally to the stains, then rinse with a cloth or water.

Laundry soap

The product does a great job with dirt on sneakers. You can either make a solution, or soap the brush (sponge) with which to scrub the stain.

Care .

After cleaning, be sure to dry sneakers, treat with polish or wax if the material needs it, and maintain regular cleaning will help maintain the appearance for a long time.

Thus, white sneakers undoubtedly require a lot of attention and care. Knowing the basic principles on how to clean them will not be difficult to keep them and wear them for a long time.

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