Fire safety crafts: interesting and simple projects for kindergarten and school

It is useful for every child to know the basics of fire safety, but the child may be too young for special lessons. Simple and unusual Handicrafts on fire safety for school and kindergarten help diversify the process of learning necessary and important information.

Drawings and applications, three-dimensional installations can decorate a child's room or become exhibits at a school exhibition. It is good if there is a firefighter in the family or among acquaintances and he will be able to answer the children's curious questions, and the creative process itself can be implemented together with the child.

Interesting and simple craft projects

Having received a task in a kindergarten or school, which involves making crafts on the topic of fire safety should not give up. Such products can be made with different designs, taking as a basis a certain story that a child will like and this will help attract him to the work.

Knowing the age of children, you can choose the best idea and the creative process is sure to captivate your baby, and at the same time he can be explained the rules of fire safety. With the careful guidance of parents, children will be able to make three-dimensional crafts from paper and clay, draw a picture or glue an appliqué.

Considering the many ideas, it is important to focus on age restrictions and take into account what techniques the child already owns. Any work will differ in complexity and the number of elements used, the difficulty of completing and the amount of time spent on the creative process.

Three-dimensional items

The most clearly look volumetric handicrafts, which are designed to draw attention to the problem of compliance with fire safety. This can be an imitation of a room created in a cardboard box, a large fire engine made of bright red cardboard or a burning house with paper tongues of flame.

When creating installations, one should not use subjects which frighten children, which can have a negative effect on their psycho-emotional state. The child should understand that in case of fire it is important to act according to a plan and always ask for help, which is reflected in the crafts and ready-made installations.

Paper crafts

For small children who are just getting acquainted with paper-handling techniques, it is better to use simple and accessible ideas. You can make a bright fire truck from colored sheets, for this rectangular box is pasted with paper, on the roof glued hoses from cocktail straws.

Cardboard rolled into a tube with glued bases will turn a boring figure into a fun fire extinguisher. Such an interesting helper will help your child understand how to behave in an unforeseen situation and what to look for in the room, as well as expand their vocabulary.

Salt Dough Modeling

Children love to play lego, but not all of the figures are suitable for making crafts, but you can mold them yourself out of salt dough. After a complete drying of figures do not fade long time, retain the desired shape and they can be painted in bright colors with paints.

The soft and pliable dough can be used to sculpt the individual figures of firemen and house, fire engine and house dwellers. And you can also glue the finished figures to a cardboard base and create an original and very unusual picture or a volumetric applique of light materials.

A regular plasticine can replace salt dough, but applications using it will not retain their external appeal for long. Applique with a coating of air plasticine will look original and with its help it is easy to make crafts with lots of small details.

Applications and drawings on paper

Paper or cardboard base in most of the crafts is used as a base on which other materials are applied. This technique is suitable for younger and older children because of the ease of implementation and the child learns such concepts as the general and the particular, masters the techniques of treatment of different materials.

Bulk crafts

For the youngest children, it is possible to depict a simple drawing and divide it into zones in which to place the loose material. Most often used semolina, buckwheat and rice, legumes and peas, harvested seeds and seeds of different plants, you can use the bunched-up balls of tissues.

From colored paper

The simplest applique, which will complement the drawing, is made up of paper elements, paper can be replaced by cloth. The subject of the application of colored paper should be a story and tell a certain story, which will tell children how to act in a dangerous situation.

How to make an applique from matches and paper

Fire has fascinated people since ancient times, but it is important for parents to convey to the child how dangerous it can be. A conceptual handicraft in the form of a combined applique can become a winner at a school contest, which will confirm the photo of the finished product:

  • Flame tongues cut out of corrugated, brightly colored paper are glued to a cardboard base;
  • to create a three-dimensional fire effect, you can use paper of different colors (yellow and orange);
  • Six large matches for lighting a fireplace should be lit and extinguished, showing the kid how to do it;
  • A square house with a roof is made of the already extinguished and cooled matches against the background of a burning fire of paper;
  • All parts are glued tightly to the paper, some of the matches may not burn, creating a thematic illusion.

Make such a handicraft is easy and interesting combination of materials will not leave a child indifferent. If the school received the task to make a themed handicraft, you can use this idea as a basis, developing a concept for a handicraft, or completely repeat it.

A bright and colorful product will be remembered by a kid of any age and in the course of the work he can be explained how to act in a dangerous situation. After learning the basics of safety, children will be able to shine in the classroom in kindergarten or school, and the craft will serve as a reminder.

Photo ideas for fire safety crafts for kindergarten and school

Tips for reading


