Flowers of paper with their own hands - schemes, templates and simple options for making flowers

Paper is accessible and versatile material, because it is often used to create a self-contained handicraft or as a complementary element of the composition. For example, handmade paper flowers used to decorate postcards, notebooks, Christmas toys.

Various techniques are used to make unique things out of paper. But many are interested in how to make paper flowers with their own hands, as they are used for many purposes. If the master has learned to create simple, complex or unique paper models of flowers, then his opportunities are greatly expanded. However, you need to start learning from the most uncomplicated handicrafts.

How to create a simplified paper flowers?

The most elementary of paper flowers with their own hands are created from colored material, corrugated or plain type. After acquiring advanced skills, you can use paper with mother of pearl and metallic. But you should not try to create complex versions of an authentic tulip or rose at once. It is enough to try your forces on a daisy.

How to make decorative flowers from paper?

The simplest decorative flowers from paper with their own hands will require attention, patience and a little free time. Later, an experienced craftsman will be able to create them with closed eyes and in large quantities. To start the work, you need to prepare:

  • Double-sided colored paper. A corrugated version can be used;
  • A thin version of wire to fix some elements;
  • Comfortable, sharp scissors and a pencil for marking.

Colored paper of several shades is used. Yellow and various shades of red will do. But the mixing of cool and warm colors is worth leaving for later, because even the most experienced designers, sometimes, make mistakes in this case. Although much depends on taste preferences, so the author has the opportunity to rely on any color solutions. The manufacturing process is as simple as possible:

  1. For beginners, it is better to use simple work techniques. Colored paper is folded several times to form a stack of squares 6*6. The shape of the bud is marked on the top geometric figure. You can rely on the authentic version or use a futuristic direction.
  2. The formed stack is carefully trimmed according to the markings. The wire is cut by 15-25 cm. In the middle, a decorative obstacle is created. Flowers are put on it. At the bottom, a ring is twisted for a stand. In fact, the handicraft is ready for use.

Such a handicraft is not original, but it can decorate a festive table, interior, photo session, children's room. It will provide a great mood for people of any age, as the flower is always perceived positively - it gives purity and the feeling of the presence of something beautiful.

Flowers from corrugated paper is the best choice for beginners

But why are flowers from corrugated paper with their own hands created easier than from other types of this material? Beginners can quickly realize that corrugated paper has many advantages in the process of creating artificial flowers. It can be used by adults and children. Let's consider its positive aspects:

  1. 1. Affordable cost of corrugated paper. Rolls of corrugated paper are sold everywhere. The cost starts at 50 rubles.
  2. 2. Ease of use. To create the necessary flower, you will need reliable scissors, glue or wire. The material is pleasant to the touch and allows making adjustments in case of typical mistakes of beginners.
  3. 3. a variety of colors and textures. Manufacturers offer a variety of colors of the material. Therefore it is possible to pick up the necessary color for any craft.

Master class for creating flowers on the basis of corrugated paper

When people see crafts from corrugated paper, they can not believe that only material and PVA glue were used to make them. Let's look at a simple example. What will be needed:

  • A piece of corrugated paper in a suitable color;
  • Cardboard or gift wrapping paper;
  • Reliable scissors;
  • PVA glue or any other brand;
  • Toothpick.

The steps of making:

  • From a sheet of material is cut out 12 circles of any size, but taking into account the shape of the leaf that is conceived. Allowed to fold a sheet in two or four to cut out more pieces at once;
  • Circles are given the necessary shape. To facilitate the work, glue is used;
  • Petals are glued to the pre-prepared cardboard. Five are glued on the outside and 4 on the inside, 3 on the middle part;
  • The middle part of the flower is created. An even strip of corrugated paper is cut out, folded in half. An elegant fringe is formed on it. It is twisted on a toothpick and reinforced with glue;
  • The heart is glued to the middle part of the flower. All the handicraft is ready.

Naturally this is the easiest version of working with corrugated paper. It allows you to create a very complex or unique products.

How to teach children to create paper crafts?

Paper is a comfortable and reliable material. Therefore, the paper flowers with their own hands for children are given with particular ease. Moreover, they are happy to perform the task together with adults. Due to the stability of the material even at a mature age, they can remember their childhood years, or to boast in front of his child's personal craft.

Colored paper is best suited for handicrafts for kids

Children love all the bright and simplified. Therefore, colored paper is used for crafts:

  • Ruler measures the size of the workpiece on the paper. Create appropriate notations;
  • Cut out narrow strips. They will be the prototype of the flower;
  • Strips are glued together at the ends;
  • A circle is drawn on yellow paper. Simpler using a compass;
  • The middle of the flower is formed;
  • On the back side, glued previously created florets;
  • Green colored paper is used to form the leaves and stem;
  • The created composition is glued to a blank sheet of white paper.

We have offered the simplest techniques of working with different paper. However, this is enough to realize how to create flowers from paper with your own hands. To begin with, you need to learn how to make simplified handicrafts at ease. Only after that you can move on to complex options or try to invent a unique product.

Photo ideas of homemade flowers from paper

Advice to read


