The headband with flowers with his hands - a step by step description of making jewelry for hair

Headbands with flowers give femininity and tenderness to your look. A girl with such a headband will look natural and elegant.

The headband with flowers with their own hands will be suitable for photography, because it is able to turn the girl into a forest nymph or fairy, the love of the girl to emphasize her individuality, decorating her hair with such a beautiful decoration.

Hair with such a headband will give a fairy-tale look and originality.

In fashion magazines you can also find models with such decorations.

Accessories made of artificial flowers

For such headbands often use artificial flowers, because this is the most practical option, because real flowers can not be used more than once.

Wreath from artificial flowers is not difficult to make yourself. All you need for this is glue and flowers. To create a wreath, you need to glue the rim, taking into account the color scheme.

The most successful is considered a decoration of large flowers, such as roses. Such a variant will be suitable for a wedding, birthday, will create an original image for a long-awaited event, but it is unlikely that it is appropriate for daily wear.

If the buds on the headband are smaller, it is appropriate to wear it daily. Such a headband will also suit the bride.

To make such a wreath will not be difficult even for novice craftswomen. Applying imagination, you can easily make such a wreath at home.

Accessories from fresh flowers

For the wedding composition, it is better to use real flowers, because live buds will be the best option for such an event. When choosing flowers, it is necessary to take into account the fact that they quickly wither, and this decoration will not last more than a few hours.

To make the wreath last at least one day, you need to choose flowers that do not dry quickly and sprinkle them with a special solution. Then the accessory will be able to last the whole event.

Large rosebuds will help create a memorable image, and wildflowers will surprise guests at the wedding and give the bride's style an unusual look. Daisies, cornflowers, or dandelions will add even more charm to the image, and will not spoil it in any way. Roses attached to a thin rubber band will create the image of a sophisticated and elegant bride. Such an accessory can be limited only by the color scheme and your imagination.

You can add beads and different kinds of berries to the headband. It is also made simply: all the selected components are glued to the base, which will give piquancy to the image.

Trend of the season

The first place is taken by long thick loose hair and a headband with large flowers in addition. You can use such a decoration for every day and combine it with bright accessories.

A braid braided to the side with a rim of large flowers will look beautiful. Or a hairstyle-retro with an accessory of medium-sized flowers.

Choosing the base

The basis-hairband is better to choose classical shades (black or white). These colors will be harmoniously combined with this or that clothing. With the decoration of classical shades is appropriate to go to a party or to work. For women in an age appropriate wide, monochrome headbands.

Also, the color of the jewelry depends on the choice of the event or weather conditions. It is better to match the color scheme with a bag or shoes.

Flowers from corrugated paper

Corrugated paper is a budget material for creating jewelry.

It is not difficult to create such an accessory, for it you will need:

  • Paper of different shades.
  • Rim.
  • Toothpicks.
  • Scissors.
  • Thread.
  • Glue.

Cut rectangles out of paper, then from these rectangles you need to cut out petals. Wrap the petals around a toothpick and fix them with string. This is the fastest way to create the buds. When you have the right number of them, you can start attaching them to the headband.

You can create beautiful headbands with the materials available at home. Such decorations definitely have the right to exist.

Accessories from satin ribbon

To create this kind of jewelry will be needed:

  • Satin ribbon.
  • Headband.
  • Thread.
  • Matches.
  • Glue.

Cut off part of the ribbon and burn the ends to prevent it from unraveling. Stitch the ribbon along one of the edges with regular stitches and tighten the thread. One of the flowers is ready.

When you have the right number of flowers, you can begin to glue them on. From the green ribbon, you can cut out the leaves and start gluing them.

Clay buds

For this kind of decoration you will need:

  • Clay.
  • Toothpicks.
  • Rim.
  • Glue gun.


  1. Mix the clay with water, until a thick mass.
  2. Shape petals from the resulting mass.
  3. Make leaves from green material.
  4. Glue flowers and leaves with glue and varnish.
  5. Glue two ribbons crosswise to the rim and wrap it.
  6. Cut the tails off both ribbons and fix them. The color of the ribbons should match the color of the hair, otherwise the image can be ruined.

Headbands to go with the hairstyle

The combination of headband and hairstyle will give your image a unique and original style, and here it does not matter how short or long hair, the presence or absence of bangs.

Foamirin Flowers

There are many instructions for creating headbands with flowers from foamirin with your own hands. To create such a decoration you need:

  • Foamiran of different shades.
  • Mold.
  • Headband.
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Wire beads.
  • Beads.
  • Satin ribbon.
  • Tinfoil.

For the roses you need to take pink and red material. Patterns you will not need.

  1. Cut squares of 2 * 2 cm. - 15 pcs. and 3 * 3 cm. - 20pcs of pink material.
  2. Cut squares 2*2cm - 5pcs. - From the red material.
  3. From them you need to cut out the petals.
  4. Petals, size 3 * 3cm. heated with an iron.
  5. When the petals are heated, they need to twist, make small notches with your fingers, twist the edges in different directions, giving shape.
  6. Petals 2 * 2 cm. also heated at the same temperature, fold into an accordion and make hollows.
  7. From foil make four bases for future roses. Glue petals to the base to make rosebuds.
  8. Make three pink buds, one red one.
  9. Glue two pieces of petals 3 * 3 cm.
  10. In a pair of these petals put a bud, one-third of the petal attached the second such pair on one-second of the previous pair, then glue another pair.
  11. Thus, going to the closed pink rose and open.
  12. For the unfolded flower: the red material to cut into pieces 3 * 2,5 cm. - 20pcs. Cut out the droplets, petals.
  13. As in the previous time, heated petals and form them into a shape with a recess.
  14. Next, make the base for the flower: twist petal, glue it with other petals.
  15. Glue the base with four petals, which should be at the same level.
  16. The next five pieces should be glued in staggered order, the last five glue overlap.
  17. Cut out the sepals, also iron them, and give them a proper appearance and glue to the base of the flowers.
  18. Cut out the leaves, iron them, and shape them on the mold. You can use pastels to give them a darker shade.
  19. When everything is ready, you need to take a headband and satin ribbon. Wrap the ribbon around the rim, tuck it in.
  20. In the final stages, first attach leaves to the rim. From the wire and beads make small branches.
  21. Attach the resulting branches, leaves and roses on the rim.
  22. To hide flaws, cut grass from the material and glue it between the buds, flowers and leaves. The work is complete.

If there is no possibility to make a headband yourself, then such a decoration can easily be found in online stores, shopping malls or in the usual department for artisans. Or make such an accessory to order. There are many needleworkers who can make a headband from flowers on the head with their own hands, taking into account all your wishes.

Photo ideas of homemade headbands with flowers

Tips for reading


