House of cardboard - detailed master class for making a cardboard house

Creating your own little house is a favorite activity for preschool-age children. During this activity, imagination and ingenuity work, and diligence is developed. For this, children use all the things lying around as material for their construction plans. Here you can help them by putting your hand to work.

To do this, it is necessary to think of one inexpensive, natural raw material, for packing containers. This is cardboard. It's easy to find, and apply it to your crafting fantasies. A house made of cardboard with your own hands is one of the most interesting products for a child.

The basics of the production of "cardboard real estate"

To create a cottage for children of different formats and sizes use parts of boxes, packages made of cardboard. Depending on the parameters of the created handicraft, the materials can be of different volumes. From the boxes from the TV, closet, washing machine can be taken blank of a large volume.

Packages of small kitchen tools, or containers for postal deliveries can be used for decorative designs, which will be children's toys. Structures, interior and exterior design, decorations, have a great variety.

Basically it is a square of four walls and a triangular roof. A pair of windows and a door according to the size of the "occupant". On the Internet you can download ready-made, and invented schemes, expressing a particular originality.

Material for the job

The means used in the process of "building" are varied. The basic composition includes:

  • Cardboard containers;
  • Colored paper, remnants of wallpaper;
  • Fragments of fabric;
  • Paint, ink;
  • Paper clips, staples;
  • Tinfoil, silver ribbon;

Working tool

Often used "tools" are office stationery such as:

  • PVA glue, duct tape;
  • Scissors, office knife;
  • Rulers;
  • Pencil, marker, brush;
  • Staplers;

A child-sized villa.

To create a structure in which a child could fit, you need to use a large-sized box, or sheets of corrugated cardboard. Its base, consisting of four walls and a roof, should be made by adults or older children. And the decorations and decorations can be made together with the owners.

The basic layout is a rustic house with four walls, a two-pitch roof, two windows, and one entrance. For this you will need:

  1. Take a cardboard box of square format and one-meter dimensions. Bend the edges. On the two upper two sides of the smaller size draw two triangles with a pencil and ruler and make a notch on the drawn mark.
  2. The remaining edges at the top, leave in the previous rectangular version. The bottom parts of the box to cut off and do not throw away. They will be needed to complete the roof.
  3. The upper parts - a triangular and rectangular glue together. From the lower scraps form a triangular skeleton and glue the top. Structural box ready.
  4. Now you can make windows and doors. They can be a simple square shape, or with a rounded arched look. To do this, take a pencil and make the necessary marks, after which - a neat cut out with a stationery knife. After removing the highlighted parts of the window, make a cut on the outer outline of the door on three sides, which would open.
  5. You can then decorate in a variety of ways and things. Cut out new figures, or glue. Paint the outside with a marker or gouache. The child can come up with his or her own interior decorations.

Cardboard "construction" for children's toys

Often little girls dream of a place where they will keep their dolls, and manage there in their own way. In the boys' imagination it is a castle, a fortress, where statuettes of soldiers, knights live.

Let's start with a master class on making a doll house of cardboard with their own hands:

House for a girl and her "Barbie"

For this design, we take a small scale cardboard box and do the following:

  1. We cut it in half and cut off the top parts.
  2. We take one part as a base, and from the other part we cut out parts for walls, floor, roof.
  3. The upper part of the first half of the lift and cut out a triangular shape. Glue it to the cut rectangles from the second half.
  4. We add a couple more rectangular shapes. One to the roof, the other in the middle of the inside of the first half. We get the floor on the second floor, and a model of a two-story structure with an attic.
  5. For the descent from the attic, and the transition from the second floor to the first, we make square cut-outs and glue the created model of the ladder.
  6. Chancery knife cut windows, and the side of the first floor entrance door. Windows can be made in the form of a rectangle with four squares inside. And peculiarly cut out the entrance hole.
  7. Also on the upper and lower floor one room can be divided into two by pasting cutouts of the appropriate format.
  8. Next is the interior paneling and the addition of the "interior." For this purpose, small colorful boxes for food gear, matches, pieces of fabric, paint, felt-tip pens are used. From this make miniature samples of a table, chairs, cabinets, draw wallpaper.

A military fortress for a boy

For a castle with an arrangement of toy soldiers and weapons set in it, it is necessary to take a lot of cardboard material and perform the following:

  1. Cut out three rectangular layouts of different sizes with toothed roof shapes. Glue the two taller ones to the sides of the smaller one.
  2. For the doors and windows, make a wide-format cut in the form of arches with a stationery knife. The tallest base can be executed in a two-story form, cutting an entrance at the bottom and a rounded window at the top.
  3. Glue the outside with small square-shaped cardboard figures, creating the appearance of a stone tower.
  4. Glued models glued to the cut in the form of an earthen base of a wider diameter. On it around the towers glue the wall fence with an exit in the form of a gate.
  5. Glue the walls themed inserts in the form of a flag, a military flag, symbols of chivalry.

Cabin for a pet

Children love pets, and almost everyone has them. To make them a cozy corner, is the desire of any child. To make such plans it is necessary to do the following:

  1. Take a package corresponding to the scale of the pet - for example, a kitten. And do that initial step of actions, which describes the construction of the "house in the countryside". The only difference is not to put a triangular base on top. For good ventilation inside.
  2. The shape of the door will be round, according to the size of the animal, so that he could easily crawl inside.
  3. The windows are drawn in the shape of hearts or kitten's head.
  4. Inside lay a rug of fabric. And the walls are painted.

Decorative house for decoration.

Properties of small size, beautifully decorated, and having original designs often shows itself in kindergartens, on holidays, at events on the creation of crafts. You can always decorate the interior of your home with them, and leave them as a memento. To do this, you can use such ideas:

Chalet of Santa Claus.

It can be made from a beautifully colored candy box. Glue white paper clippings on the roof. Attach pieces of absorbent cotton to the bottom of the wall to create the appearance of snow. Paint snowflake shapes on the walls with white paint. Attach miniature figures of a green Christmas tree and animals near the door.

Building a New Year's Eve-type structure out of assembly foam

Initial base is made in the form of a hut without "chicken legs". We paint the brown color of the tree species. On the roof we put a layer of white foam mounting. House glued to the cardboard "foundation", a diameter wider than the bottom size of the box. And we overlay snow drifts of mounting foam on its highlighted parts, expressing the winter time.

A tea house to decorate the kitchen

The main layout is made of beer cardboard. At the top, closer to the roof, we cut out a heart shape. At the bottom a semicircular entrance. The tiles for the roof are cut out of the same hard cardboard material, and painted in wood color. To one side glue a beautiful decor - a twig, a ribbon, a butterfly, a flower.

Small towers made of toilet paper sleeves

The base is a cardboard sleeve from a roll of toilet paper. On top we put the roof in the form of a dome, made of colored paper. Cut windows of various shapes, decorate the walls by gluing patterned ribbons.

Doing crafts is an interesting process. These like to do not only children but also adults. As the material is used a variety of things, objects, unnecessary waste material.

Cardboard is one of the most popular. On the Internet there are many schemes, ready-made designs and instructions, prompting - how to make a house out of cardboard. The rest is a figment of fantasy and imagination of you, and your children.

Photo ideas homemade cardboard houses

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