How to Make a Dragon of Beads - Detailed Step-by-Step Master Class for Beginners

Products made of improvised materials by our own hands are considered to be the most ancient type of arts and crafts. Masters put all their soul, talent and skills into them. Beads are a popular material for needlework. It is easy to work with them.

And beads can be used for decoration of almost any item, as it looks appropriate almost everywhere. Such a decorative element in the design of the house will add coziness to even the gloomiest room.

Peculiarities of the dragon weaving

Not all crafts made of multicolored beads are difficult to make. For example, to create a three-dimensional dragon out of "fake" pearls is not as difficult as it seems at first sight. Of course, experienced needlewomen will cope with this task faster, but for beginners it is better to use the scheme for weaving a dragon from beads. But on which color of material to stop?

The choice of colors for creating a beaded toy is unlimited. In cartoons there are different colored dragons: black, red, yellow and white. It all depends on how you want to see your future friend.

To make a toy with your own hands, you need the following materials: beads in base color, pliers, wire, needle, a pair of black beads for eyes, some gray and white glass beads.

Beading should be done only in a well-lit room with breaks for rest for the eyes and back. To keep the beads from rolling off the work surface, you should lay a fluffy cloth.


To weave a dragon out of beads, you need to carefully follow the drawing. According to the scheme, beads are strung six beads of the primary color on one side of the wire. They are located in the center.

The second end of the spiral is threaded towards the first one through three parts. Repeat this step once again, using eight beads (the tip of the working wire is passed through four glass beads).The next step is to put six beads of the base color on the wire, one gray, two base, gray, base piece. Follow the same steps as the first, passing one end of the wire through five beads.

In the fourth row, take six pieces of the basic shade, the right black eye, five basic, left eye, one piece of base. Pass the second tip toward the first one in the same way as in the previous row. We dial seven base beads, one gray bead, six base beads, one gray bead, one base bead. Pass through six beads.

Little dragon ears.

On one side of the working wire are dialed: two base beads, a gray one, three bases, five gray beads. The bead that was put on last must be skipped. This means that the wire is threaded backward through the four beads. A loop is formed. This will be the ear of the dragon. Collect the beads: one gray and two of the base material.

Through the second side of the wire are passed two bases, one gray, three basic pieces. We begin to make the second ear of the dragon: thread five gray beads, wire slip in the opposite direction through the four pearls. Thread the end of the barb through one gray and two main parts.

Further steps are made according to the figure. Rows are braided so that the body and neck of the animal becomes rounded shape. If you want to make your toy more voluminous, you can use synthetic material in the body.

Feet .

For the front paws of the dragon you need a wire length of about seventy centimeters.First, on the working side is recruited one bead each: the main color and white shade.Next step: the second tip of the working wire is passed through the base in the same direction as the first. Repeat the action two more times.

The third action is to dial one white and two base beads, and pass the second end of the spiral through the base beads. Wrap the wire around a white glass bead, tighten the row. The following rows are made according to the scheme.

Front and hind legs are braided the same way. To pet legs were not very long, they should shorten. To do this, assemble an accordion rows of beads. One limb of the toy is made.

Wing skeleton

The wings of the dragon are more difficult to make than all the other parts of the body. But if you follow the pattern, it will work! To begin with, remember: the first thing you do is make a skeleton, the second thing you do is make wings.

  1. We start with the longest first "bone". Need to weave fifty rows, one glass in each. Assemble the finished product in the same way as the legs - accordion.
  2. The third "seed" will consist of thirty-one rows, the assembly is similar.
  3. In the hands is taken one of the wire ends from the first "bone" and one end from the third. This is needed to weave on them the second "bone", which will have thirty-seven rows. Assemble the long "bone" and proceed to weave the fourth.
  4. The next piece should be made of twenty-five rows of beads. "The "bone", which will follow it, has seventeen lines of two beads. Assembling an accordion.
  5. Next, the work consists only with one of the ends of the wire. To make the toy without extra "tails", let's dial six beads on one side, pass a spiral through the third and fourth dialed pearls.
  6. Through the first two beads you need to pass the tip of the working wire. The direction remains the same as the sequence in which the beads were put on. This will create the illusion of three rows. Thread the second end of the barb through the penultimate row. Make nineteen strips of two beads each.
  7. It's time to connect all the parts together. Excess wire ends hide.

Finishing the wing

Beads are strung on the fishing line, which should cling to the wire, located between the lines of "bones". Then we grab the working wire of the neighboring "bones", we get the next line.

The work on the right is finished. We create the left piece. If the two wings will lie on the table, then we can begin assembling. According to the scheme, the ends of the wire are threaded through the beads of the calf in the rows. Wire is fastened, the ends are hidden.

Fixing the wings

To make it more convenient, one of the ends of the wire can be hidden, and with the second end to start weaving. Beads are set according to the scheme, hooking the wire alternately for the "bone" of the wing, then for the arc of the animal's body. Such simple manipulation to finish the job.

Dragon made of beads is ready. This unique and beautiful handicraft will decorate any home. The toy will not only look good on the windowsill, window or table, but also pleasing to the eye of its creator. Animal, made with his own hands, can be presented to the very near and dear person as a sign of love, friendship and respect.

Photo ideas for beadwork dragon

Tips for reading


