A mushroom craft: simple schemes for making mushrooms with photos and descriptions

The mushroom kingdom includes many varieties of mushrooms, which are traditionally used as motifs for creativity. A beautiful mushroom craft will decorate a children's room or become a bright addition to any insert in a kindergarten or school, and children will bring real pleasure to the creative process.

To create such crafts, you can use ready-made templates or step-by-step master classes, which facilitate the task at hand. Parents will find it interesting and useful to make crafts together with children, engaging in their all-round development, learning colors and shapes together with kids, mastering new techniques.

What materials can be used for creativity

Preparing for the creative process, you can choose not only sketches, but also the materials for further use. It is good if you can combine several materials and techniques in one product, which will allow to diversify the learning process and interest children of different ages.

The original crafts mushroom made of paper for children made in the technique of applique, looks as great as mushrooms from fabric or thread. For the youngest it is better to choose the technique of molding and plasticine, older children will be interested in drawing forest mushrooms in a clearing or embroidering them with threads and ribbons.

Bulk applique from cereals and seeds

To make such a handicraft will need a sketch template, depicting a mushroom and cereals or seeds, of different colors.

All elements of the sketch are covered one by one with a thin layer of PVA glue and covered with the selected loose elements, outlined in a fairly wide contour lines with a felt-tip pen.

After drying, the picture can be further colored using watercolors or bright gouache, these handicrafts develop fine motor skills of a child.

Embroidery large stitches on paper

Introducing your baby to needlework, you can use the technique of embroidery, explaining beforehand how to work with sharp tools. It is better to make a sketch on not too dense paper, so that it would be easier for a child to pierce it with a needle or make holes in cardboard yourself beforehand. In this case thick woolen threads and plastic needles for children's art without sharp corners are used, because they are less traumatic.

Cloth applique on a dense base

It is very easy to make such a handicraft, but first you should prepare felt or other fabric, the edges of which will not crumble. Elements are cut out according to the sketch, and they can be sewn or glued to the base, the technique of assembly is chosen based on the age and skills of the child.

Beautiful crafts will be obtained if you choose a brightly colored fabric, funny mushrooms out of pieces of multi-colored fabric with a print will decorate the finished work.

Mushrooms from chestnuts, acorns and plasticine

Your child will find it fun to create crafts from natural materials that he or she collected on their own or together with their parents on a walk in the park. A mushroom with a cap made of a shiny, brown chestnut on an acorn leg will be his pride, and all the elements can be held together with plasticine. More plasticine is suitable for the process of molding, it is easy to create entire compositions, a mushroom meadow, a cluster of mushrooms on a stump or a pot of mushrooms.

A mushroom house for a mouse in the papier-mâché technique

Having mastered more complex techniques of working with different materials, you can realize any complicated idea, for example, to create a house for a mouse. Make handicrafts from a wood mushroom is not difficult, because this element will be the cap of the future home of the Mouse-foot, and the leg is easy to create in the technique of papier-mâché of paper. The mouse is molded from plasticine, as well as other fairy tale characters, and you can make up your own stories about the inhabitants of the house, developing children's imagination and creative skills.

Applique "mushroom meadow" out of dried leaves

Carefully collected and dried leaves are actively used to make applications in different styles.

You can use dried leaves in their original form or cut out individual elements of the future application, paint them with bright colors or glue them on without changing their hue. The main motif of application most often selected are mushroom meadows, a lonely mushroom hiding in the grass, a basket with the gifts of nature, where there are mushrooms and berries.

A beautiful mushroom in the technique of molding from plasticine

To make crafts from plasticine in the technique of applique, you can use ordinary or modern materials. As a basis, you will need thick cardboard or office paper, a template-workpiece or drawing of a mushroom in the grass, the plasticine itself (it is better to take air, it is lighter) of different colors:

  • all the details of the future applique are transferred to the base with a simple pencil, it is better to make a sketch with large and clearly traced details, marking in advance what color they will be colored;
  • from plasticine a child sculpts balls of a certain color, they are needed to fill the voids in the sketch, both processes can be combined, which greatly accelerates the creative process of making the handicraft;
  • after filling all the elements, the finished picture can be decorated with additional elements, glue dry leaves or bunches of grass, collected and painted with bright colors of moss.

To give the picture airiness and make it significantly lighter, it is better to use air plasticine, which dries quickly. The balls of it should be glued to the base with PVA glue, it will dry for 2 to 3 hours, but the picture can be hung on the wall.

With your own hands you can make a mushroom handicraft using the photo as an example, or implementing your own and original ideas. Do not be limited to certain materials for the creative process or one technique of their processing, experimenting and combining, embodying children's fantasies. Children of all ages will surely enjoy creating and creating beautiful things on their own, working together with adults and receiving encouragement and praise from them.

Photo ideas of crafts in the form of a mushroom

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