Origami fortune-teller: how to make an interesting handicraft

Nowadays, people are in constant search of the best pastime with their children. It can not be otherwise, given the incredibly fast pace of our lives. And this article will talk about a very interesting way to have fun, taking advantage of it.

What is an origami fortune teller?

People have always been and will always be interested in their personal future. This interest is inherent in young children, who worry about their small, but no less important problems. Does this boy like me? Will my mother buy me a big robot? The list of questions could go on and on. There is a way to turn this curiosity into great fun, proven by many, many generations. Probably many adults have already guessed what we are going to talk about.

So, this article will tell how to create an origami fortune-teller step by step from paper, and about what it is better to write in different parts of the handicraft, the basic principles and ways of fortune-telling.

What you will need to create an origami fortune teller

To create an origami fortune-teller we will need:

  • Several sheets of A4 or double sheets from a notebook in case it will not be possible to cut and bend neatly on the first try.
  • Pencils, glitter, felt-tip pens - in general, all the accessories chosen for the decoration of the creation.
  • Children's scissors.

A step by step guide "How to make origami fortune-teller.

  1. First of all need to cut a square sheet of paper. It is necessary to take a standard sheet of A4, although you can use a double sheet torn from a notebook. The most beautiful origami fortune-teller is obtained by using colored office paper.
  2. When the square is cut out, bend the corners of the paper to the center.
  3. In the third step is to turn the resulting square on the back side and again bend the corners to the middle.
  4. The last step - bend and unbend the square in half vertically, then horizontally, so that the craft is easy to open. After that, you need to test the craft by inserting your thumb and index finger of both hands in the process of creating pockets.
  5. If everything was done correctly, now the only thing left is to apply the predictions, the answers. If desired, the toy is decorated with different ornaments and patterns.

Options for the inscription on the handicraft

The most important thing to do is to determine the purpose of the divination. The toy can be made both universal, giving general answers to most questions of interest, and extremely narrowly focused, answering specific riddles.

In the first case, generalized answers should be written: "yes", "no", "if you make an effort", "you can't know", "unlikely", "with the help of friends".

In case your child is interested in a specific question: "Which boy do I like?" or "Which Ranger-Soldier do I choose?", the answer options should be very specific. That is, either the names of all the boys you know, or all the soldiers.

There is also a completely neutral option. On the paper origami fortune-teller you can just write pleasant wishes than to please not only your child but also his friends. Surely everyone will be pleased to read something along the lines of "You'll be lucky today", "Something good will happen soon", "You have a beautiful smile".

However, it is certainly worth it to be guided by your child's interests first. Besides, it is one of the easiest ways to find out what is on your child's mind and what worries him. Your observations will surprise you.

Different ways of fortune telling

There are several different ways of divination. Basically, they depend on whether they write on the sides of the numbers or not. Of course, if you want to, you can also come up with your own unique way of divination, because the main thing is to have fun in the process!

1) So, let's first consider a way of divination without numbers. On the outside of the fortune teller we write down the sides of the world. And under each corner responsible for its side of the world write 2 answers (at the left and right edges).

Next, the questioner and the fortune-teller are chosen. After the distribution of roles, one will choose the number and the side of the world, for example from 1 to 10 (the range can be chosen larger or smaller). After that, the diviner alternately bends vertically and horizontally the required number of times. As a result of manipulations on the visible side of the chosen part of the world, we see the prediction.

For example, we make a divination: "north, 4". Four times we open the fortune-teller-origami, and then on the open side of the sector "north" we see the result.

2) This variant is quite similar to the first one. Instead of the sides of the world, color is used. It is possible both to paint a petal completely, and to draw any figure of a certain color (hearts, triangles, circles). Guessing is the same as with the sides of the world, just the key word is color.

3) Another way is to put numbers from 1 to 8 on the outside. After that, the questioner puzzles the numbers in the range from 1 to 8, the fortune teller is opened alternately in different directions the number of times named. Four numbers are left, among which you must choose one and open the fortune-teller.

4) You can simplify the previous method. Write 8 numbers on the edges of 8 wishes, then simply bend the corners so that the predictions were not visible. After that all that is left is to choose a particular number and read what the origami fortune teller promises you.

Additional ideas

1) Paper origami fortune teller can be used for educational purposes! It is enough to design it in the form of a game: "What will I do today?", and in the answer options to write: "I'll walk the dog", "I'll help my mom to wash the dishes", "I'll clean my room". In this way it is easy to bring up responsibility in the child, without forcing him or her and without scolding him or her.

2) Creation of handicrafts greatly affects fine motor skills and spatial thinking. Regularly engaged in such activities a child trains and develops his or her assiduity, concentration, patience and attention, which will accelerate and simplify his or her learning process in later life.

3) The game is great for kindergarten teachers and elementary school teachers. After all, origami fortune-teller promotes team-building, the development of their friendly relations. This entails the development of communication and interaction skills in society.

4) Even adults can benefit from the game. The process of creating a craft and further use helps to calm down, relieve stress, relax at the end of a hard day.

To summarize, there are many ways of divination with seemingly simple origami. As a consequence, everyone will find a personal favorite way. And there, perhaps, you come up with your own unique? Moreover, on the Internet you can find many different versions of embellished templates, such as the Chinese dragon, different dinosaurs or characters from children's favorite cartoons and games. It remains only to print this template, carefully cut out, fold and paint if necessary.

Photo ideas for original origami fortune tellers

Tips to read


