How to Draw a Plate in Pencil Step by Step: Instructions for Beginners and Children

At times, when there is a need to depict something, the question arises - how to make a drawing similar and understandable. An example of such a familiar and seemingly uncomplicated subject for the image, you can bring a plate. How to draw an ordinary plate with a simple pencil, while quickly, beautifully and recognizably?

Materials to work with

The length of the list will depend on the purpose of the drawing and its complexity. For a simple and quick sketch, professional paints are unlikely to be needed. So it's worth getting acquainted with a basic set of accessories to start with.

These are:

  • a simple pencil of the desired hardness;
  • an eraser;
  • paper.

Additional tools

For colored sketches or full works, the set should be expanded.

This could also include:

  • colored paints: watercolor, gouache, etc.
  • colored pencils;
  • art pastels;
  • charcoal;
  • stencil.

The last few tools are more likely to be needed for more serious works, so at the initial stage you should not worry about their availability.

How to depict a saucer

Unlike plates, the saucer has a more volumetric shape, so it will be drawn in a slightly different way. However, it also can be safely attributed to this subject. To depict this subject, basic geometric shapes will be useful.

Drawing process:

  1. As a basis, depict on paper a regular ellipse. Since the dishes are depicted from our viewing angle, they will not be round as usual, but oval.
  2. Inside the figure depict another ellipse, but smaller in size. Position it slightly lower level than the center. He will be the base of the bottom.
  3. Below indicate a semicircle, which is a continuation of the oval. The resulting part is the bottom of the saucer.
  4. Now it's a matter of tracing. The lower part of the large, the first ellipse around the inside of the "frame". Thus you form the edge of dishes.
  5. To give it volume shading in places where the saucer surface should be characteristic shadows.

On the basis of the received skills of drawing such a saucer, it is possible to create more interesting works. For example, one of the problems of how to draw the same plate with fruit will disappear. A few uncomplicated and consistently performed steps - and half the task is already done.

And in order to depict apples, grapes and other common still life fruits in a realistic and simple way, it is better to study step by step instructions separately.

How to depict a plate

The subject is often used both in children's works and in professional still lifes. Therefore, several options will be considered, from the simplest to the realistic.

Realistic variant


  1. On a piece of paper, with light movements, without pressing the pencil, draw the outline of a large sized oval. Divide the figure with perpendicular lines, horizontal and vertical. Find its center.
  2. Next, inside a large figure draw a similar, but smaller in size. The second oval must be located slightly below the center of the main one.
  3. If desired, draw patterns in the area that was left between the figures. This step is not required, so you can skip it.
  4. Shade the bottom of the plate with light strokes, darkening it.
  5. The sides and edges of the plate dishes, highlight the pencil, making them brighter.
  6. It remains to give volume to the drawing. To do this, use strokes, layer by layer, to darken in the necessary places. But do not overdo it.

This variation can be variegated with fruit or any other food. Now you know how you can draw a plate in a few steps, so you can make an image with pancakes. They are much lighter than, for example, cakes, so there should be no problem with this. In addition, if you also add colors, it will be a completely different impression of the drawing.

Top view

The option is even easier than the first one. It doesn't take much time, and besides, there's more opportunity to show creativity here.


  1. Draw two parts on paper: a large circle and a second, smaller and inside the first. It doesn't really matter if it's hand-drawn or if it's a tracing of some circular object.
  2. The bottom is slightly shaded, giving the sketch volume and greater resemblance to the object of tableware.
  3. Next, draw a pattern or ornament on the rim of the plate. The step is optional, but here you can show your imagination.

How to depict a bowl

Another variation on the plate theme. Again it has a modified and more voluminous shape. However, this feature of it, too, can be used for different purposes. Some dishes will look more appropriate in such dishes. And as an example, you can draw dumplings or pasta not in a plate, but in a bowl.


  1. The pencil sketch begins with two lines perpendicular to each other. The point of their intersection divides each in half.
  2. The edges of the resulting lines are traced and connected in such a way as to make circles. The upper edge does not overlap the bottom. The bottom of the plate should intersect with its edges.
  3. By joining the edges of the two circles, you will mark its shape and, accordingly, the outline.
  4. The edges of the dishes can be made more wavy if desired, or you can leave them "straight". The upper oval is outlined. Initial auxiliary pencil sketches should be erased with an eraser.
  5. For volume, indicate shadows with strokes. You can also add patterns to the surface of the bowl.

How to represent a UFO

Many people may have a similar association with the word "saucer." So it's also worth considering how to draw a real flying saucer.


  1. The first step is to draw an oval on a sheet of paper. It should not be completely finished, and its corners should be pointed. Somewhat above it depict a small semicircle, which in the future will play the role of the cabin.
  2. At the bottom of the figures is the engine of the machine. Schematically portray it will help rounded lines.
  3. Further picture is supplemented with details. These can be portholes, compartments, weapons, antennas, etc.
  4. The last and one of the important steps is adding color. You can use both bright colors and make the plate in "camouflage" style.


Don't forget about the light shadows to give the device more realism.

In fact, drawing dishes in simple, uncomplicated shapes can be great practice for developing artistic skills. First, it is a handy and always available objects for "nature.

Secondly, in any case it comes in handy. Also, if there is a need. Well, those who just need to depict a plate, for sure, small master classes will help and greatly facilitate the task.

Picture examples of plates drawn with a pencil

Tips for reading


